Transcription: Music I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I see the light I ...
Protracker and family
Protracker M.K.
#CreamX-Treme #SideWinder/Megawatts #this is...acid rave #((tekkno))only 4 the # the hardcore... # the sequel to #liverman...2/27/93.. #look for infra-rave #cd and tape..vol i #mass produced/cut # with amiga systems. #catch the<<rave>>.. #(c)1993 eric g. prod #eric g. 8611 cape #valley san antonio #texas 78227 usa... #to order technology #bytes cassette by me #,60 min of hi-fi #chrome amiga music.. #send $7.50 us to the # same adr..p&h incl. # anywhere on planet. #tel 21.067.57592 ** #net eric_h_gieseke@ ** #greets ta'll friends #in the frazy music #scene..lates!s.w.... #endoftransmission...